Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 24 - Continued learning - no surprise there!

I am so looking forward to walking and exercising. I've not done that because I want an apples to apples comparison if lifting a couple weights. The weather makes it VERY inviting!

I had green smoothie for breakfast. It was so light and tasty. Wheat sprouts, apple pieces and cinnamon for lunch. It was also tasty.

I made more almond milk and I just can't throw away the pulp. I dried it from the previous making. I decided to make one loaf of bread and put it in it - 2 cups wheat flour and 1 white. It turned out okay!! I had a crust, then a slice and then the other crust. It tasted very yummy and I did get full. Didn't eat dinner - just drinking lots of water.

Found a new site today. It's about eating raw and I especially liked a post entitled, Welcome To Raw Food Right Now 2.0 I think it's going to save me a lot of time getting to where I want to be. They seem to have already been on this road and where I seem to be heading and seem to be where I feel the balance will be. Gives me hope! However, couldn't find much "wheat for man" in it. Will be studying this site a bit more - lots to learn.

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