Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 25 - The 10-day eating wheat is done

I have so many thoughts running through my head - the theories of the whys and becauses and all I have learned. I am so excited where this has brought me and I'm so excited for what I believe is yet to come.

First off --- the report of the weight lifting. But I do need to tell you that I'm a wimp in the shoulder/chest area - always have been. I rode horses lots and was so envious of those who could get themselves on bareback without having something to stand on. Knowing this, I decided to do the thing that is the most challenging for me to test my strength.

In the beginning, I did 11 chest presses with the bar that weighs 45 pounds, 13 bicep curls with 10 pound weights and 35 crunches. This morning, I did 11 chest presses. It was the same - no strength gained, no strength lost. Am I disappointed? I think just a teeny bit in that one thing --- but --- I did do 15 bicep curls and 50 crunches. That last one was a huge surprise. But all in all I was pleased! Was the test a success? To me, it is a resounding YES!!!!

I looked in the body-length mirror this morning and smiled because there is shaping to my liking going on with my body. I got on the scales and there was another 1 1/2 pounds gone.

I know my body is healing. (See the post on 3/23/2009) I can feel it. Would it have been the same without eating the wheat? I do not know for sure but when I considered that I've done green smoothies for about a year now and have done it faithfully, I've not accomplished this kind of success.

When I awoke this morning, I felt wonderful. When I progressed in my day, I felt a little sluggish off and on. I think this is typical of these 10 days. Could it be that what seems to be an adverse reaction is the body utilizing what it's been given which causes detoxing? I believe it very well could be. I believe when I don't feel like eating, the body is saying, "don't send anymore until we get this roadblock cleared and the gunk on the move." When I feel a bit sluggish and yet still feel hungry, my body is saying, "give me a little more power to help move this along". Wheat is such a good fiber -- is this one of the reasons for the "Nevertheless, wheat for man"? I know I don't get the same result with oatmeal and when I eat the grain mixes, I don't think I get the same result either. I think I need to check this out! Ah, another test. lol

Will I keep eating wheat? That is also a big YES! Will I keep eating it as often as I've been doing? Yes, but will be incorporating it with other things that my family will also be more involved. It probably won't be as often as the whole meals have been; but yet, I've kind of grown to like it that way. But -- I do know I learned one really important thing and that is when I am going through that "what can I eat?" feeling, I'm going to eat wheat because I've never been so satisfied so quickly and it didn't take that much of it.

Oh, one more interesting thing that seems to be happening -- my appetite is increasing. When I eat, I'm eating more. Figure that one out! Maybe my body is being able to utilize more of the nutrients and so wants more!!! I hope so. I'm sure it's been "starving" for nutrients for years because it just couldn't utilize them. I do know the increase is not from activity. I've spent way too much time sitting on my you know what at the computer! lol

What a fun road to be on -- so many questions, so many theories, some answers and lots of learning. So much to look forward to and exercise, you are on that list!

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