Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 4 - It's always darkest just before the light

This always happens to me! I get a bit discouraged -- not nearly as badly as I used to (there are advantages to all the practice one gets throughout life and finally get it mastered a bit and the wisdom of age appears teehee) -- now let see -- where was I -- oh yes -- get discouraged -- but I've gotten now so when that happens I immediately turn to prayer and give it to the Lord and again plead for the desires of my heart and thank Him for this opportunity to learn and in my heart, I know it'll all happen according to His way and time. I guess you could say it's going to my faith place. And then I can let it go and it seems the very next day there is light.

I'm really excited for next week. I think I've been trying to make it be like the "plates" of dinner of the world and it is not going to be like that -- but yet it can be pretty and colorful. Things are going to be quite simple. In family prayer this morning it was asked that we could all be supportive as Grandma is learning these new things and we could try and eat everything. We shall see! But I am getting little glimpses and even though most people will still turn up their nose, it's going to be good for us.

Neat thing I learned ----- when one eats whole foods they can sustain life eating only 1/3 as much as they used to. I so have found this to be true and explains when I've eaten the wheat cereals and dishes, I don't eat as much and I'm not hungry as soon as usual. So -- less food to prepare because we will be eating less but getting more for the bang.

Went grocery shopping today -- bought the little boys jump ropes and what fun we've had today. So exercise has been good and I even did a bit of leg work earlier so I'm good for the day. While at the grocery store, while waiting of course at the checkout --- a magazine caught my eye. "The carbs that melt fat - drop 24 lbs in 21 days" was printed on the cover. Well, I just "needed" to know what carbs they were talking about. And.... when I got to the article, this is what I saw: "Enjoy Grains First Thing". Of course, there is more to their plan and they haven't yet figured out that wheat is the powerhouse the Lord created for man, but...... it's been a long time since I've seen such a fun thing. Of course, it's been a long time since I've been browsing magazines, too.

It's a good feeling to have a glimpse!!!

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