Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New author on blog

We've got a new author on our blog. Her wheat name is Zea.

She's into so many of the natural's and healthy's. We're excited to have her join us!!!!!!! We should have an introduction soon.


Carrot juice

We are so taught by the world and sometimes we are so brainwashed that we cannot see truth. I know I've mentioned carrot juice before but this really struck me. This woman was so sick she could only take carrot juice by the teaspoon full and she only had it three times a day for about a week then she gradually increased her intake of juice to 8 ounces every 24 hours. Finally she was taking one gallon a day. She had no other food for 18 months. She was well and healthy and lived to be quite old.

So why are we taught that we need to eat so much? Why are we taught that we need so many different foods? Why are we taught it just is not good to do without food for a day? Why are we taught that we need all these specialty foods? Why are we fed this man-made food and not God's food? Why do we always have to have a substitute for something that is not good for us?

I think our "healthy" society gives us the answers to those questions!

I used to juice and have again begun. My first glass of the juice made my whole body buzz. It was neat. I felt like every cell in my body was jumping up and down. I'm not worried about doing it every day. Some days we'll do a smoothie and some days some juice. It feels so good to be incorporating what I know to be truth.

I continue to eat wheat -- bread, sprouts, smoothies, cereal, granola, casseroles, etc. Our grocery shopping has drastically changed. It's good and has also helped with the budget.

I was told just today that I surely didn't look my age. I smiled and so did every cell in my body!


Friday, May 22, 2009

Self talk, not feeling well, and feel like I'm in kindergarten

There are so many self-help books these days on how we program ourselves by what we say to ourselves. I've decided I'm going to use some new self talk. When that time comes that I say, "Oh, I'm full", I'm also going to say, "Let me know when we're again truly hungry." I'm hoping this will help me get the "when" of "needing" to eat and get past my own habits.

This whole thing isn't very easy for me. I guess I'm just a nibbler, snacker, food addict -- whatever you want to call it. But I still know when I eat to "full", the nibbling and snacking just aren't in the picture.

I haven't felt the best the past couple of days. Been using some essential oils and when they do their thing, the body does indeed process. And ..... what has that done to my appetite? I've not gotten hungry until a few hours after regular eating time. One day, I ate because I just knew I should be hungry and of course I knew my body needed food!! Yah right!!! Not only did I not feel good but I then felt bloated and yukky in other ways -- like I do when I over eat! Well dah!!! However, when I did good, the hunger did eventually come. And full came quicker and with less food. Interesting - but yet I know I already knew it would be like that.

All learning lessons but I truly KNOW our bodies talk to us and tell us what is best --- if we will but just listen! And I feel like I'm in kindergarten!!!


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Is "full" based on quantity of what the body can handle?

Interesting discovery -----

The other day I ate pizza (the order out kind) --- and "full" came faster than I expected. Had to analyze that. I believe the body knew it would have a harder time processing what was being ingested. So- would the nature of the body have "full" come faster? Ironically, it took a bit longer to reach "hungry" -- so in essence, does the body take longer to process food made with many man-made ingredients along with all their preservatives and thus, longer to again feel a true "hungry"?

So when we eat before "hungry" arrives, is the body not yet finished processing. When we add more food, an analogy could be like we are causing a flood. Dams begin to form, body parts cannot contain it all so causes inflammation (which is a major cause of illness), and also causes leakages and hemorrhages inside the body.

Oh my -- what a disservice I've done to my body for many years. Another analogy --- When I fill my car up with gas, it can only hold so much. I make a choice to fill it with the good, better or best for it. Why would I not want to do the same with my body? We had a Camero and have to admit it made me want to be naughty. We took good care of it and only put into it what was best for it. We wanted optimum performance. I think I'm becoming stronger in my determination to truly treat my body like a temple and use the correct fuel to produce the energy it needs. Why would we want to do differently? Of course, it's because of all the "wonderful and tasty" of the world. But ya know -- all that "wonderful and tasty" surely does not make me feel good and it doesn't make a lot of other people feel good either.

A rather long explanation of another experience with "full". Oh well......


Fasting and prayer and "full"

The scriptures are filled with the words "fasting" and "prayer". When I ended my fast, I wondered if "full" would be different in that I would not consume as much food. Sure enough, I was right. Interesting!


About 95 percent there!!!!

Funny how things work and I love it!!!!

Right in my daily scripture reading, I came to that wonderful section in the Doctrine and Covenants on the Word of Wisdom. I had the thought that I was going to try and read it and just let it happen. Usually I try to force the things I desire to understand. And here is the Lord's word on just that so really wanted to just "hear" what was going to be said to me.

The reading was amazing! I realized how truly SIMPLE it is! I thought about my Dad. He always grew a garden and I remember him just eating the fruits and veges for lunch, along with the homemade bread my mother always baked and many again for dinner and how healthy he was for most of his life; and the same with my mother. I thought about the "season thereof". I thought about our seasons as compared to other places in the world. I thought about how fun it is to partake of those fresh apricots, cherries, peaches and apples and all the other yummies in their season of harvest. And I love tomato sandwiches. I thought about when it's hot and not really feeling like eating much. And then I thought about grains -- how they store because of those outer shells and how they are what would be used during those times when the gardens are not. Of course, all of you probably already know the simpleness of it all but I enjoyed my waa laa! I also totally understood why the Lord said what he said about flesh of beasts -- again, so simple.

So knowing that the grains would serve us well all year (and this went to awhile back when I said I wondered if we just weren't eating enough), and having been proving this all of my life it seems because I remembered that I ate whole wheat cereal almost every morning as a child and feel I really do eat my grains (but I believe it has not been in the quantities needed for my body because I fill it up with other things instead), I again asked "why wheat for man?"

I just felt that this little kernel of wheat has the most in it of what man's body needs. I use wheat in ever so many ways but am now going to make a closer study of how to eat it, when to eat it and with what, and how much and when. Seems complicated but it's just experiment, eat and pay attention and listen. It's just around the corner if I will zero in and put the knowledge I have to use to answer these questions.

The "seasons" of growing are upon us. What a wonderful time to put things to the test -- the hungry and full, the eating of wheat, the bounties of fruits, veges and herbs. It's going to be a wonderful summer of enjoying God's created food and receiving my answer!


Saturday, May 9, 2009

The weirdest thing (for me anyway)

As I try and "feel" this full thing, I've found I'll be eating and I'll feel this something (and it's been the same thing) and wonder, "is that it?" I think about it and know I'm not full. So I continue eating and then all of a sudden, there it is and found myself saying earlier today, "Oh, there it is!" and I know I do truly recognize it. I wonder if the first feeling is the 80 percent full -- which some say is the place we should really stop. More keying into the tune of the body and learning is coming. I can just "feel" it!!! LOL It surely is still weird and amazing to me that I'm just NOT even hungry in between meals when I get "full". This is so unlike me ---- and the way I've been eating for so long.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Very interesting -- this hungry and full thing - many surprises

First off -- know that this is just my sorting through all this. I guess, really, the whole blog is kind of like that but this is specifically to the hungry and full thing.

As I've been doing this, I've noticed a couple of things.

1. At the evening meal, when I get to "full", I do not have a desire to eat and munch the rest of the night. It's been this way for three nights and I had no reaction feelings. One night I even watched a couple hours of TV. This is my most prone time to eat so this is very surprising to me. And for the record, I had to add more food than I originally dished up at meals to obtain "full". This also surprised me.

2. When I "snack" in between, which I just did this morning -- my body reacted with feelings of bloating and prickly insides. This caused an "mmmmmmm????"

3. I remembered that at breakfast, I did not zero in on the "full" feeling. I really do not believe I reached that point. Maybe that's one reason for the feeling of "wanting" at snack time.

I had one more thought....... Many people do not make enough hydrochloric acid (a stomach acid) to facilitate proper digestion. Do our bodies need a certain amount of time, depending on what we eat, to process it all and then to make new acid to be ready for the next meal?

When I ate three meals - waiting until "hungry" and ending with "full", my body just seemed ready and there were no reactions with anything I ate. And I've had reactions from some of those things before. When I had a snack today, had my body not processed everything? Did it not have enough stomach acids to do the job? So was reacting the result? I feel there is truth in this.

We really do spend a lot of time feeding our bodies a little here and a little there between a lot here and a lot there. The body probably does not ever have time to get to that point of "I'm ready".

It's been a fun three days and I'm sure the learning will continue. By the way, the weight lessened and maintained during those three days by a pound. Considering what I was eating, that, too, was surprising!!!

It's all just amazing!!!!!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The other book was...... and .......having an open mind

It is so refreshing to know others are doing so many neat things. I like her style, her wit, her thrift, her wisdom and her testimony.

She also has a website.
"I Dare You To Eat It" by Liesa Card

Makes eating wheat, and other longer-stored items, very doable for ever so many. It's worth checking out!!!!

I'm thankful for friends! I was turned onto this by such a one in the preparedness world.

I'm also thankful for the open mind the Lord has given me. It hasn't always been that way. Seven years ago, I was very content -- living the empty nest life and enjoying serving. You've lived quite awhile so kind of thinking there's not much else to learn and enjoy and endure. My son asked me to read a book. I pooh-poohed him and he continued to pester me. I finally thought that if this is really THIS important to him, that I'd just read it. When I finished, I realized I loved it and what it taught me! I remember thinking, "Why would I not want to continue to learn? Why would I close the door to such wonderful information the Lord still desired to give me?" It was a major milestone in my "older" life and I'm really enjoying and lovin' all the learning!!!


Time spent thinking and pondering always leads to more learning.

There is just something wonderful about thinking and pondering. You ask a question and all these things run through your mind. At times, it's really profound and an instant answer. At other times, it leads to other things needed before you can obtain that answer.

And this is the road I've been on the past few weeks.

I told you about reading "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollen. I have to admit that I thought about it for several days. He basically tells us that we need to let go of all what the world teaches and eat. Yes, we need to eat whole, healthy foods but let go of the eating this food for this nutrient and that food for that nutrient. It really opened me up -- made me free, sort of speak. I was so hung up on trying to get all the nutrients the world is telling me I need and where they are and some I can't even get unless I go clear across the continent......well, I think you can see what I mean. I'm so thankful I read that book.

After digesting it, I was led to two other books.

Years ago I remember hearing about/reading about a group of Christian ladies that were having a huge success at losing weight by being accountable to Jesus. I've been thinking about that a lot so decided to take a look on the internet. I ordered the book, "The Eden Diet", by Rita M. Hancock, M.D. and so enjoyed it. It was such an affirmation of "In Defense of Food". And it was insight to Gwenith's question: "How did Adam and Eve eat in the Garden of Eden?"

And, I've also posted about satiation. Well, she addressed that in a big way - recognizing "hunger" and "full" and I realized I have neither.

So -- I've gone to the table to learn. Have to admit, it's been kind of fun. I did finally experience "full" once and I'm still working on identifying true hunger - rather than bored, stressed, waiting, frustrated, etc., etc., etc.!!!! This is going to take more than a couple of days!

When I spend the time thinking, it seems I'm always led to more understanding and answers. I love that part. It always requires work but amazing how it all fits.

I'm wondering if someone already knows the answer to what I seek. Oh, I know the Lord does, but when that answer comes about why wheat for man, is it going to come from something someone else will have already addressed? It really doesn't matter. My journey has been awesome and continues to be.

I do know this little reading spurt has brought me closer to my answer -- in fact closer than I thought it would. I don't know how - other than it might be really a matter of my gaining my own self-control and then the Lord will give me the blessings that go with that.

Anyway --- Onward and Upward!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

I can't believe I really did this.

I knew I needed to make bread today. Last night I had some sauerkraut and as I was putting the left-overs away, I wondered what I would do with them. I had the thought to put them in the bread. Now I know I would not think such a thought. It had to come from somewhere else.

I remembered this morning, and that's unusual, so I did it!!! And as long as I was doing "it", I also blended some wheat sprouts with it that needed to be used - probably about 1/3 cup. I added 1 cup water with it so it would blend and then added the remaining amount when it was called for. Amazing that when the dough got all mixed, there was only a very slight hint of the smell of sauerkraut. When it was baked, there was no smell of it and the bread turned out great!

What does all this mean? I have no idea! But I guess this is one way to get those fermented enzymes in there.

Here's the original bread recipe - no sauerkraut (tee hee)

Whole Wheat Bread (takes about an hour and makes 2 - 8x4 loaves)
3 c whole wheat flour
1/3 c gluten flour, sifted
1 1/4 T. instant yeast
2 1/2 c very warm tap water
1 T salt
1/3 c oil
1/3 c honey or 1/2 c sugar
1 1/4 T bottled lemon juice
2 cups whole wheat flour

Mix together first three ingredients in mixer with a dough hook. Add water all at once and mix for 1 minute. Cover and let rest for 10 minutes. Add salt, oil, honey or sugar and lemon juice and beat for 1 minute. Add last flour 1 cup at a time, beating between each cup. Beat for about 6-10 minutes until dough pulls away from sides of the bowl. This makes a very soft dough.
Preheat oven for 1 minute to lukewarm and turn off. Turn dough onto oiled counter top; divide, shape into loaves, place in oiled bread pans. Let rise in warm oven for 10-15 minutes until dough reaches top of pan. Do not remove bread from oven, turn oven to 350 degrees F and bake for 30 minutes. Remove from pans and cook on racks.
