Monday, March 30, 2009

Popped wheat experimenting and SUCCESS

Our Bishop's very favorite treat is popped wheat. Now I've tried it with the frying pan method and haven't been too impressed so I was quite intrigued. Things weren't working too well with him remembering how -- so search and experiment we've gone. I just knew if it was his favorite treat, it must be good!!

My husband learned what I was trying to do and waa laa -- he did some searching and came up with a couple recipes. He takes very good care of me!

I'm just a little twisted when it comes to more than one recipe and have to find out which one is the best. Causes LOTS of work but I surely learn a lot. And I always remember that practice makes perfect. LOL We finally had it tasting like corn nuts -- except it was wheat. We were pleased. We had the Bishop sample and we were very close. He then gave us a bag of what he buys -- so now we could really compare and back to experimenting we went.

Ya know -- sometimes it just takes many to succeed. We decided to use some white wheat and we considered it even more successful. My son made a suggestion or two and after another batch .......WE ARE SO THERE ....... but still want to do just a little tweaking.

To be quite frankly honest, I think we've succeeded pretty well with all of them because we've eaten about 10 batches and loved every one of them. LOL One recipe said to use soft wheat berries. I've changed my philosophy - which was that if it couldn't be made with hard red wheat, then I wasn't going to make it - and ordered some. I will make a batch or two just to see if they make it even more like the professionally made.

My husband is now eating LOTS of wheat. So typical -- we zap all the life out of it when we do things like this and then love it! WARNING -- this has zero - that's a big 0 - nutritional value.

Notice - there is still a little difference in the puffiness but I think that can be obtained by cooking it just a little longer. You want it to split and it will be kind of sticky.

And now -- the RECIPE!!!

1 cup wheat --- the above was cooked for 1 hr 15 min. If it were cooked longer, I believe it would be the puffiness I desire. Drain and put on a towel and let dry a bit (10-15 minutes). One cup of wheat before cooked will equal about six batches to be fried.

Put a couple inches of oil in a pot large enough for deep fat frying. Heat to 360 degrees.

Put 1/2 cup of the cooked wheat in a wire basket or strainer and put in the oil. Cook for 2 min 20 seconds or until it turns a good (deep) golden brown. (When you use less wheat at a time, the oil temp does not fall and that was a factor in the experimenting.) Drain on a paper towel and salt or season as you desire. Cool completely and store in a glass jar -- if you have any left. LOL (See recipe added on April 19 for the refined, tried & tested recipe)

I do not have a strainer that has small enough holes so the wheat does not fall through. So to get them out, I put a strainer on another pan and poured the oil and fried wheat into it. I then put the wheat on the paper towel and poured the oil back into the cooking pot. Whatever works!!

Some suggestions for seasonings and uses on the recipes we found were: salt; onion salt; garlic salt; barbecue salt; dust with powdered ranch dressing; sprinkle with Kraft Grated American Cheese Food (sharp cheddar flavor); use it as a cereal served with honey, butter and milk; add to dried fruit and chocolate chips for a great trail mix; wonderful on salads; cinnamon and sugar; mixed with granola or any trail mix; as a topping for ice cream and desserts; or just by the handful.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Where is Gwenith?

No, I have not disappeared into some inescapable black hole! Life just swamps you some times. We have been trying to pack to move and just when we really got a lot of stuff done, the move was postponed a month! You see, we don't want to buy a house in this current economic 'situation' so we have been renting a home. Our landlord got his old job back in town and moved back and naturally wants his house back so we have to move. Anyway, as exhausting as that upheaval is, I have also been sick again (post-mission crud) which puts me down and out for a good week!

Basak was right, the book by Kenneth Bock, 'Healing the New Childhood Epidemics' has really impacted me and I am anxious to see if my sons with their asthma and anxiety problems and my problems can be helped by what that book says. What can you say about such a powerful book - particularly when their claims seem to be supported by legitimate (meaning scientific method, not hearsay) diagnoses and treatment that produce consistent results? I guess you try it out for yourself!

Onward and upward!


A body cleanse?

There are many who do body cleanses and there are many different ones out there. Wheat grass juice is to a certain extent a cleanse. Fasting is a form of a cleanse.

Years ago, Stanley Burroughs wrote a book entitled, "The Master Cleanser". It is also known as the lemonade diet. There have become many variations of this as people have added their own thoughts and ways of doing it.

We decided to do this cleanse a few years ago. I did it for 14 days and my husband did it for 7. I bought the original book because I wanted the real deal. It was well worth the cleanse.

I've come to realize the bodies are totally phenomenal. It has back up systems that kick in when other parts fail. If something stops producing, another area provides. It is truly a great miracle. It wants to be healthy and fights to maintain health and life. When the body is healed and nutriented, it can withstand the intrusions of today's world. But so typical --- we eventually revert and gorge the body with junk and soon find that pizzazz we enjoyed gone.

Another family member just completed this cleanse for 19 days. She did it by the book and was valiant the longest of anyone I've personally known. As she's again adapted to food, and it's been healthy food, she's realized that her body is still not functioning properly. She never did feel the greatly improved health that so many describe; however, she did see great benefits and was thankful for what she did accomplish and was able to do everything required in her busy life (and continued exercising) except for a couple days of detoxing.

However, it made us realize that sometimes things are so deep that it takes longer. She thinks she might continue in short spurts (3-4 days). It reminds me that maybe the same principle is applied as was the heal your body program. I also thought about the book on the 4-A's and sometimes the improvements come after a year of providing the body with eliminations and nutrients. I realized that the cleanse could very well be like that. In fact, I just read the other day about a person who was dying. They gave her 2 tablespoons of carrot juice a few times a day for a few days and then were able to add more of the juice. Her health was restored on carrot juice (and she didn't turn orange).

In order to have the health we desire, a cleanse is a good thing to help our body become how it really is supposed to be. Isn't that what the 4-A book and the heal your body program has us do -- eliminate the foods that cause the most problems? When the body is not inundated with what we put into it, it has time to function the way it was created -- and healing is a part of that.

And what part will wheat play? The experiments continue, the testing continues, and the learning continues -- all building upon past learnings and experiences.


Calories in - calories out

OH NO!!! There's that controversial word "calories"! Calories are equated to the energy our bodies need to function and perform. Everyone has an opinion about calories -- how many and if we even need to know that and it's hard to know what is truth.

And so, I, too have an opinion -- a bit different than some and probably related a bit differently.

My life as a child was very busy and active. I tromped hay as it was pitch-forked up on the wagon. I walked almost everywhere - except when riding my horse or my bike after I got one. I played dodge ball, softball, tag, and worked weeding and harvesting. The point of all this is calories were being used by the dozens.

As older life changes came, along with more modern conveniences and less activity, I desired my old body back and my "feel good". My study lead me to a couple of life impacting lessons.

I read about those who were considered at the time "extreme" health nuts. They were too skinny -- looked like they might even be starving. However, many of those people were in their 80's and 90's -- hiking the Himalayas and on the go constantly -- actively enjoying life!!! They were eating whole foods -- according to what they felt their bodies needed. I was very surprised when I learned that most of the time their calorie intake was about 800 calories a day. Of course, my thoughts went to every can on the grocery store shelves which talked about 2000 calories a day. I also knew if we weren't very active that needed to be adjusted but for me and my size, that still would be at least 1600 calories a day. My word -- how could these people live?!

I then began a journey to better health. I did not do it the way these people did but I ate a bit less and began exercising. I looked good and I felt better than I'd felt in years. I remember the day, in church by the way, when a friend asked me what I was doing. Of course I was excited to share! Before I even got finished and could tell her how wonderful I felt, she said, "You look too thin. You don't look healthy." I've thought about that for years and why did she not think I looked healthy when I felt absolutely WONDERFUL - the best I'd felt in years!!! It's because I'd lost my plump. Here I was in a more healthy spectrum and seen just as I saw those health nuts years ago.

I decided to do a study on me -- just for grins and giggles. How many calories did I burn in a day? I was doing a moderate exercise program at the time. I found a site on the internet and it listed everything you could imagine -- sleep, going to the bathroom, sitting, reading, eating. I charted my day and I even vacuumed and did lots of those sort of things to get my calorie usage up. Reality, though, says that even though I do these calorie using things, a lot of my time is spent doing computer things -- sitting on my you know what. I was very surprised when I did the total calories used for the day ----- a whopping 750 -- and remember, I was doing a moderate exercise program. What a powerful impact that made on me.

I've often wondered where the needed calorie count originally came from. It was made during a time when people physically worked and many calories were needed for energy. How times have changed in what we do to expend energy but times have not changed on what we put into our bodies for energy. We are for the most part on overload and our health shows it.

And why did I post this? I don't really know except I felt I should. We not only need to eat the good foods but we also need to be moderate in our eating -- even with the wonderful foods God created for us. How much "energy" does our body need -- compared to how much we expend? Honesty with ourselves is a key factor.


Going without food

In our church, we fast once a month for two meals. Some think they're absolutely going to die during that time. There are others that realize there are health benefits from going without food and although fasting is spiritual in nature, there are also physical benefits. Sometimes, however, because of health reasons, fasting is not a good thing.

I'm taught by stories in the scriptures of those who fast longer than just one day. Esther is one of those stories and there are many others. And through the years, I've learned that many people fast for a few days.

Because of my spiritual desires, I personally know the blessings of obeying the law of the fast. The greater my desire, the greater the spirituality of the fast. And I've learned I will not die if I go a couple of days without food. I've found that fasting is a great blessing in my spiritual life and physical blessings are always a by-product and I find them extremely liberating. My body feels rejuvenated, lighter, quicker -- the way I like to feel.

Again -- has the world programmed us -- what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat? Yes, we do eventually die if we go without food. But, do we also "die" when we overload with food?

Again -- do children teach us? Do the processes of our bodies sometimes need to rest - play catch up and rejuvenate. The children instinctively have this and so do we -- until we all get programmed.

Ah -- food tastes so good ----- all this is hard to do! Desires effect choices! Easier said than done!


A program that was for "healing your body"

A wonderful family member had great success on an eating program she did. There was a class she attended and learned. I asked if those in the class were there for weight loss or for better health. She said is was about fifty/fifty. She shared that originally the program was started for people with health problems but it was realized that one great unexpected benefit was weight loss. Of course that word got around so people started attending for weight loss.

The crux of the program was that you stopped eating the allergic foods -- all grains (except oatmeal and millet), no dairy (except ghee - clarified butter), no fruits, no condiments.

You then began a testing of each food. I made a list of all the foods I ate (or wanted to eat and some I'd never heard of before like jicama) and began. You only ate the same kind of foods during the whole day -- so there was a protein day, a carb day, and a legume day and if you wanted, you could also just have a vege day, although after testing they could be eaten with any of the other foods.

It was interesting as I listened to the reports of her progress. She would lose weight and then she'd go for 5-10 days and not lose a pound. She'd then lose 4-6 pounds in the next couple of days. As I pondered that, I realized the inside of her body was like a cut on the arm. Her body had come up against something that needed healing. It worked on it for about the same amount of days that it takes for a cut on the arm to totally heal, and then her body would function more as it should. As I began the program, I also experienced these same things.

When the body is not using all the energy to digest and sort things because there are too many or much of them, the body has time to heal. This program had wonderful benefits for almost all with health problems. One possible reason was the acidity/alkalinity factor of the digestive processes.

I had eggs (fried in ghee) for breakfast -- no telltale signs. I had cucumbers for lunch. I had cod for dinner. The next day I did the carbs - oatmeal, squash (with ghee), popcorn -- no telltale signs. After trying each food individually, one could then start to combine them -- still watching for any signs of a reaction.

It became very evident what foods did to my body -- nothing really intense, just little signs -- until I had green onions. I ate one and got extremely nauseated and within 2 minutes had thrown up. Interesting!!

I succeeded on this program and felt wonderful for months. But as so typical, the good food of the world and my lack of resistance and control won.

I'm very thankful for that program and what it taught me about my body's telltale signs. I'm finding that I'm again using this knowledge in really "feeling" and "noticing" what my body is telling me.


Do our bodies tell us what is needed?

Have you ever really watched little children when they eat? They know when their bodies are full. They know when their bodies don't want much food. They know when their bodies don't want a particular food.

And, I as a child, and as a parent to my children, heard and said, "Eat!", and there were many reasons that went with those words. And when little children don't feel like eating, we just know they need to be eating. It's what the world teaches. However, in reality, their bodies are healing or getting rid of (rather than stockpiling) the bad things. And after only a day or two, those children are eating normally again, and eating the things they didn't want to eat the previous day.

We can learn much from this!!!!

Signs of an allergic reaction in our bodies, or something that doesn't sit well with our bodies are: If you take your blood pressure about half an hour after eating and it's higher, your body isn't liking it. If your breathing changes (could take deep breaths before and it now is hard to get a deep breath or if you're breathing faster); if you sneeze, cough, or nose runs; if you feel like you're abdomen area is swelling inside (also could sometimes be described as bloating or cramping); if you feel sluggish about half an hour after; if you get a headache; nausea; and if you feel gassy -- all are telltale signs of body distress and reactions.

I do believe our bodies tell us what is going on -- if we will pay attention and "feel". Our bodies know. But because of the "programming" we've received, we've lost this natural knowledge.

The insides of our bodies oft times need to heal -- just like the outside of our bodies!!!


Friday, March 20, 2009

Lots of pondering and more questions

Remember the book referred to a few posts back "Healing the New Childhood Epidemics", by Kenneth Bock, M.D.? The subtitle says "Autism, ADHD, Asthma and Allergies; The Groundbreaking Program for the 4-A Disorders. The bottom line seems to be "food reactions are generally the most common single cause of practically all of these signs and symptoms. Food reactions are a common denominator of the 4-A disorders." Notice the "allergies" part.

There is now an organization called DAN (Defeat Autism Now). These doctors have been successful in greatly improving the lives of those who suffer from the 4-A disorders. Gwenith has found such a doctor and he belongs to DAN.

She learned that gluten intolerance is curable if one is willing to go through the process of helping the body with nutrients, supplementation, detoxification and sometimes medications (to eliminate pathogens) - on a highly individualized basis.

So what does that mean for us and our families?

Gwenith's road is going to very likely be a no gluten/casein (milk) diet, along with other things, at least a month or more.

How might one be able to accomplish this by better eating habits? What might one do to replace the good bacteria the body requires and enhance enzyme activity? What might one do to detox and especially from metals? What might one do to rid the body of yeast infection? What might one do to reduce inflammation inside the body? Is it possible for us to do these things?

I believe it is and this scripture came to mind -- and there are some very powerful tools I need to put to greater use.

"Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed,...nothing shall be impossible unto you. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." Matthew 17:19-21

Onward and upward -- on whatever road the Lord would have us go -- learning line upon line, precept upon precept; and one day, our quests may be received.


P.S. I would recommend everyone read the above mentioned book -- just so you have these things in your knowledge base. I've told several people about it and each say, "I need to tell so-and-so about this book". We all know someone this knowledge could help.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

What is really going on?

Just found out a really good friend of Gwenith's has been diagnosed with celiac disease. She's an expert on using wheat - makes her own bread everything, including hamburger buns. Why such a conflict today between what is happening to our bodies in the diagnosed disease because of the gluten and what the Lord has said?


Friday, March 13, 2009

The hardest part

As a wife and a mother and a daughter of God, we have these inward feelings to please. Having our families happy brings us great joy. We cook and feed them their favorite things because of the delight it gives us.

The hardest part of trying to change our eating habits is balancing those desires to please our families and what we know to be for their better good and making those changes, even though we know it'll cause grumbling. I sometimes feel I'm cooking something different for everyone. But this I do know -- I have received guidance and if I do not honor that and go forward, it is my condemnation - not those in my family. But this is indeed the hardest part for me. So -- be forewarned, although I think everyone already knows this.

In these years of using more wholesome foods and especially trying to incorporate the wheat, we have had our share of grumblings. But lately, neat things are happening. I'm finding their willingness increasing and I believe it is because their bodies are now telling them they want it. I don't really know how to explain that other than when we eat good things, the things that aren't good for us don't seem as good anymore. And this is what seems to be happening. A few months ago, we had turned up noses and now they are drinking a glass full of smoothie. We are ALL eating more wheat - not just me, although I am eating more than every one else. When I ask them for help in evaluating my doings, it seems to help. Example and talking about things that are good for our bodies.... well, it also seems to be doing something. They are coming along and I have to admit, this is kind of surprising to me and I must add, delightful.

So please do be patient with your families if you're on the road to eating healthier and eating the foods the Lord has created and has instructed us in what is best for us. Just as we desire to please our families, so does the Lord have feelings to please us. He desires us to be happy and have joy. He feeds us because of the delight it gives Him. Are we sometimes likes our families -- grumbling and not wanting the good things? I hope we'll always remember His great patience and constant love for us and do the same as we try and incorporate the better into the lives of our families.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Life is never simple

Just when I think I have time to experiment and do, it seems something comes along. Once again I'm involved in the task of trying to help others prepare. Yet, at this time in the world, I cannot think of anything much more important - both temporally and spiritually.

And, Gwenith is at a hard place right now. She loves her family and desires to help them in any way she can. Her words were, "It is very sobering", as she shared with me a book she was reading entitled, "Healing the New Childhood Epidemics", by Kenneth Bock, M.D. I immediately went to the library and indeed, extremely sobering it is!!!

What does one do about the "gluten"? These 4-A disorders - autism, ADHD, asthma and allergies - often requires a no gluten diet.

Whenever one desires knowledge, one seems to be given ways to learn by our experience - in the reality in which we live - such as in our own life or situations with our families.

Could it be the gluten resistance is in part being super-charged by the poisons, toxins and metals our bodies are not able to eliminate? Could it be that because of what the Lord said, there is some special help for our bodies when we eat wheat?

Where will it take us? Only time will tell. We will go forward in faith ... working, reasoning, pondering, asking and praying. This can be resolved and family helped -- with the help of the Lord.

Friday, March 6, 2009

A sprou-ting we will go, a sprou-ting we will go, heigh ho, the diary-o....

I finally got the picture taking done. Did I forget anything?

Day 1 - 8am

This is 1/4 cup rinsed wheat covered in water (rinsing is just to clean it). You can use any quantity you desire.

Day 1- 8pm
After 12 hours in water, kernels are plump. They are rinsed, drained well (this is very important), put back in the jar (also drained of any sitting water) and will sit overnight.

Day 2 - 7am

Some are beginning to show a little white root coming out on one end. Again, the seeds are rinsed, drained well and put back in the jar for the day.

Day 2 - 6 pm

You can now see a hair-like root coming out of the white root. And once again, rinse, drain well and leave in jar overnight.

Day 3 - 7am We have more than one hair-like root coming out but notice the sprout that is now just beginning. Eating sometimes begins now. Rinse, drain well and let sit in jar.

Day 3 - 6pm

The sprout is almost the length of the kernel of wheat and that's when it's the best. Notice the jar and how the seeds have expanded in the room they take in the jar. You can rinse, drain well, cover and put in the refrigerator. They continue to grow and will keep for several days, rinsing every 2-3 days. Rinse before using.

Day 4 - 6am


Some notes:
There are many instructions out there but if you think about the natural growing process, it really doesn't matter if the water is cold or warm. What if you forget to rinse? Just do the next step when you remember (just like waiting for rain). It'll just be a little slower accomplishing what you're doing. What if you forget and the soak process was 24 hours? Just drain, rinse and continue the process. Tap water works just fine. Some say to put the container in the dark - on the counter is fine. The only thing you do NOT want to do is let the container come into direct sunlight and this applies throughout the whole process. Most instructions tell you to rinse and drain three times a day - simplify and twice is nice! There are always the faster ones and the slower ones - it all works out. If you are using a sprout bag or a container that the hair-like roots start entwining, just massage them a little to separate them when rinsing. The wheat sprouts are sweetest at the beginning stage. The longer the sprout, the less sweet they become. Some say even sprouting to the length of the kernel is too long.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Eating more wheat

In the "Search for Word Meanings" post on Feb. 10, 2009, I said: "Could the "demand" and "falling short" pertain to the body? Will we yet find our bodies, indeed, do not get enough?"

I've not been able to get this thought out of my mind and so for over two weeks, I have been trying to incorporate more wheat into my daily eating. I'm not organized enough yet to plan dinners - although I throw in cooked wheat berries (just cooked whole wheat) into soups and spaghetti sauce, etc., but we have not eaten those during this time. I do have a desire to be able to cook dinners and this morning could feel that is coming soon (the line upon line thing). But for these two weeks, it has been a matter of getting it into my body. So, what I've been eating is mainly cream of wheat cereal, wheat sprouts and whole wheat bread. I've eaten these things with a little milk, 1/4 t of sugar, Raisin Bran, blueberries, apples, cinnamon, butter, sometimes a little jam or honey, and green smoothies (with greens, fruit - bananas, strawberries or blueberries, flax or chia seeds and maybe some sprouts) and one time some pinto beans. I have eaten dinner with the family and that meal usually has not include wheat and hate to admit it, but they have not been the "healthy, healthy". You can see that this has not been a not eat anything but wheat venture but just eat more of it.

When I began, I tested to see where the level of wheat was in my body. I was about 1/3 of 100% which is where it should be. This really surprised me. I had no idea it would be so low. So as I've been eating more and more wheat, I continued to test. It has slowly and gradually climbed but it always would quickly fall. It didn't take much eating to get it back to where the maximum reached was but I was beginning to wonder if I could ever reach 100%. Remember, this has been going on for over two weeks. And I had never thought about maintaining that 100% consistently -- which it really should.

Yesterday, I reached 100%. When I woke up this morning, I was about 85%. I ate breakfast and was again at 100%. At this time (about noon and before lunch), I am still at 100%. I sometimes test vitamins and minerals and decided I would see where they were --- and, they are also up.

And what differences have I noticed? I am rarely hungry between meals and I have absolutely no cravings and I feel good!!!! Yesterday while wondering what the body would do when wheat was at 100%, I had the thought that weight would not be as problematic. I liked that thought!!!! Don't know if it was power of suggestion, but this morning, my jeans were looser and my weight loss always shows on the body before the scales. Further observations in this area will be occurring!! LOL

This is SOOOOOOO exciting to me. Could it really be this simple that we just need to eat more of it and as Gwenith said in her post on "Enzymes" (Feb. 20), "...sometimes in raw form, sometimes cooked, sometimes soaked or fermented, then we are being ‘moderate in all things’ and getting the benefits of all forms..."

I LOVE this quest!!!!!

(Word meanings have been added for quicker reference.)

staff of life: a staple of diet
staple: the sustaining or principal element; a commodity for which the demand is constant
principal: most important

nevertheless: but rather;
scarce: deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand and
implies falling short of a standard or required abundance

Monday, March 2, 2009

Muscle testing

Since I'll be sharing some testing, I need to briefly explain.

I went to an excellent chiropractor years ago. He'd been to China twice to study. He muscle tested and that's where I first learned about it.

Today, muscle testing is a pretty common practice. Just goggle "muscle testing" and there are many sites that explain it. I was quite enlightened by a book, "Power vs Force, The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior," by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

Although some think this is bunk, I eventually was given the understanding that it is a gift. I am sure of my beliefs and goals in life and I do not use it in areas that to me are questionable. I do know our bodies react to all that happens to us and will tell us what they need. I have developed my own asking system, which involves the Lord, and know when I am at the point of needing to ask verses learning by experience, which is also a must in this life.

And so - in future posts - when I say I tested, you'll kind of know what that means.


Remember the sausage wheat meat?

Still has that ole bouillon! I'm anxious for you to do some experimenting and reporting on the broth method! GO GIRL GO!!!! If I buy broth does it have MSG in it? Oh -- just checked my can and it says "MSG free". Ingredients do say "yeast" and "flavorings" -- which are on the list of "other names" for MSG. Oh my -- how does one do it? Maybe it could be left out and it wouldn't make that much difference in the taste. I wonder??!!

Sausage Wheat Meat

1 3/4 C. water boiling
1 T. bouillon (chicken or beef whichever you want it to taste like.)
1 C. cracked wheat

Cook on low until water is all absorbed and wheat is very soft.
Makes 3 cups

Sausage seasoning (you may want to half this)
3 T. ground rosemary
7 T. ground sage
7 T. salt (7 is too much;I think I put in 3)
3 T. and 1 tsp powdered butter (optional)(not)
3 T. and 1 tsp powdered basil
2 T. cayenne pepper
1 tsp black pepper
2 T. garlic powder
Mix together and keep in dry place.

3 C beef wheat meat
3 T. flour
3 eggs
2 tsp sausage mix
Fry in hot oil until brown. Can freeze cooked patties and use later.

Couldn't believe how this tasted soooo like sausage and neither could others!


Cracked Wheat Patties - tasty!

Onward and upward (an inside joke between us!)

I really like this recipe given to me by my friend Gwyn.


2 cups cooked cracked wheat
2 Tbsp dry milk powder
1 egg (or 2-3 egg whites)
½ cup chopped onion**
1 Tbsp dried parsley
2 ½ tsp. chicken bouillon

This recipe works well with the wheat cracked into fairly small pieces (3-4 cracks per kernel as opposed to 2). Mix all ingredients. If mixture is too moist, add ¼- ½ cups whole wheat flour. Roll into ball (about 2-3 inches in diameter). What really makes this recipe good is if you 'bread' or roll the ball in a mixture of some whole wheat flour, lemon pepper, and season salt (I might try about 1 C. of flour to 1/4 to 1/2 t. each of the lemon pepper and season salt). Drop by tablespoon or ice cream scoop into pan heated with small amount of hot oil. Flatten ball to a patty shape. Brown patties on both sides in oil. Serve hot or cold. I like to serve just like a hamburger - on hamburger buns with mayo, ketchup, and other favorite condiments.

**To substitute dried onion with fresh onion, 1/2 C. fresh onion equals 1 1/2 T. dried onion flakes. Cook the onion flakes with the cracked wheat so they are softened. Or you can use 1 1/2 t. onion powder.

To make a ground meat consistency, mix as above, pour into pan, stir and cook until looks like ground meat cooked. Use 2 cups for 1 lb. of cooked ground meat.

The only difficult thing about this recipe for me is that bouillon contains so much MSG. I'm trying to stay away from that (for reasons why, go to An option I thought of was to cook the cracked wheat in homemade chicken broth/stock and then eliminate bouillon from the recipe.
