Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 25 - The 10-day eating wheat is done

I have so many thoughts running through my head - the theories of the whys and becauses and all I have learned. I am so excited where this has brought me and I'm so excited for what I believe is yet to come.

First off --- the report of the weight lifting. But I do need to tell you that I'm a wimp in the shoulder/chest area - always have been. I rode horses lots and was so envious of those who could get themselves on bareback without having something to stand on. Knowing this, I decided to do the thing that is the most challenging for me to test my strength.

In the beginning, I did 11 chest presses with the bar that weighs 45 pounds, 13 bicep curls with 10 pound weights and 35 crunches. This morning, I did 11 chest presses. It was the same - no strength gained, no strength lost. Am I disappointed? I think just a teeny bit in that one thing --- but --- I did do 15 bicep curls and 50 crunches. That last one was a huge surprise. But all in all I was pleased! Was the test a success? To me, it is a resounding YES!!!!

I looked in the body-length mirror this morning and smiled because there is shaping to my liking going on with my body. I got on the scales and there was another 1 1/2 pounds gone.

I know my body is healing. (See the post on 3/23/2009) I can feel it. Would it have been the same without eating the wheat? I do not know for sure but when I considered that I've done green smoothies for about a year now and have done it faithfully, I've not accomplished this kind of success.

When I awoke this morning, I felt wonderful. When I progressed in my day, I felt a little sluggish off and on. I think this is typical of these 10 days. Could it be that what seems to be an adverse reaction is the body utilizing what it's been given which causes detoxing? I believe it very well could be. I believe when I don't feel like eating, the body is saying, "don't send anymore until we get this roadblock cleared and the gunk on the move." When I feel a bit sluggish and yet still feel hungry, my body is saying, "give me a little more power to help move this along". Wheat is such a good fiber -- is this one of the reasons for the "Nevertheless, wheat for man"? I know I don't get the same result with oatmeal and when I eat the grain mixes, I don't think I get the same result either. I think I need to check this out! Ah, another test. lol

Will I keep eating wheat? That is also a big YES! Will I keep eating it as often as I've been doing? Yes, but will be incorporating it with other things that my family will also be more involved. It probably won't be as often as the whole meals have been; but yet, I've kind of grown to like it that way. But -- I do know I learned one really important thing and that is when I am going through that "what can I eat?" feeling, I'm going to eat wheat because I've never been so satisfied so quickly and it didn't take that much of it.

Oh, one more interesting thing that seems to be happening -- my appetite is increasing. When I eat, I'm eating more. Figure that one out! Maybe my body is being able to utilize more of the nutrients and so wants more!!! I hope so. I'm sure it's been "starving" for nutrients for years because it just couldn't utilize them. I do know the increase is not from activity. I've spent way too much time sitting on my you know what at the computer! lol

What a fun road to be on -- so many questions, so many theories, some answers and lots of learning. So much to look forward to and exercise, you are on that list!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 24 - Continued learning - no surprise there!

I am so looking forward to walking and exercising. I've not done that because I want an apples to apples comparison if lifting a couple weights. The weather makes it VERY inviting!

I had green smoothie for breakfast. It was so light and tasty. Wheat sprouts, apple pieces and cinnamon for lunch. It was also tasty.

I made more almond milk and I just can't throw away the pulp. I dried it from the previous making. I decided to make one loaf of bread and put it in it - 2 cups wheat flour and 1 white. It turned out okay!! I had a crust, then a slice and then the other crust. It tasted very yummy and I did get full. Didn't eat dinner - just drinking lots of water.

Found a new site today. It's about eating raw and I especially liked a post entitled, Welcome To Raw Food Right Now 2.0 I think it's going to save me a lot of time getting to where I want to be. They seem to have already been on this road and where I seem to be heading and seem to be where I feel the balance will be. Gives me hope! However, couldn't find much "wheat for man" in it. Will be studying this site a bit more - lots to learn.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 23 - Simple

Had wheat berries stored in fridge and almond milk for breakfast, a sandwich with tomato and alfalfa sprouts (lots of them)for lunch and wheat sprouts for dinner with red sauce on them. It's been a good day for eating wheat -- simple, quick, sustaining and was tasty to me.

Have to admit, I'm counting down for day 10. I'm so consumed with making sure I get wheat eaten. It's going to be fun to let this Daniel part go and zero in on more of a variety of whole foods but still with lots of grains. I'm a bit nervous. What if it doesn't make any difference? Then I'll be thinking I need to do it again to determine why. I need to go to my faith place -- now!

Day 22 - A little bit of hunger going on

I woke up feeling hungry and ate cream of wheat cereal. Always yummy to me. Of course I used some almond milk! Had a green smoothie for snack. Granola for lunch. Had a later than usual dinner of leftover red sauce and spaghetti squash and I was hungry. I finished it off and that was more than I thought I would eat. Guess I keep mentioning the hungry because yesterday I just wasn't and am kind of glad to see today that I am.

This is all sounding so same-eeee, I'm sure. But, it does taste so good to me. I'm missing bread - gotta do something in that area one of these days. I've not done many nuts and seeds and really need to get them in here. I'm hoping they don't have an effect on the strength test at the end, but they are the protein so it just may be. Time just passes too quickly and I surely don't get all done that I would like to!

More gluten intolerance

Another friend called me yesterday. She's really identifying wheat is not good for her. She hasn't been diagnosed but the reaction to eating wheat definitely says there is a problem.

I then read on a health site this morning, "Millions of people have celiac disease,.... Infertility seems to be more common in women with untreated celiac disease."

In a class years ago, a lady was teaching people about the nutrients of wheat and when infertile couples started eating the "whole" grain, they got pregnant. She emphasized the "whole" of the grain. She related many other cases of better health because of eating the whole grain. In today's modern world, most things that are made are made with the constituents of the whole -- not the "whole". Is this the problem? I so desire to know why.

I've just recently learned that herbs as a whole are so complete and powerful. When broken down, and only specific constituents are used, they become dangerous. Is it the same with wheat. I did not have this thought until writing but it very well could be the answer to my knowing why.

And what if the damage has been done to the body? Can it be repaired? Yes, it can! It has been done. If a person were to eat whole foods and cleanse the colon so it could heal and function properly, many of those problems would not be there. The body is a magnificent thing -- it repairs and rebuilds if we just give it the chance.

And it is sooooo funny, NO ONE, yet, will admit their colon could not be functioning properly. I do know mine isn't and now I'm wondering how long it will take for this to be accomplished. I know with time, patience and learning I will yet be successful.

Onward and upward!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Almond milk

When thinking about making almond milk, I always imagined way more almonds than it takes. I was quite surprised with the yield from not too many almonds. I'm now drying the almond meal. It will be fun to use!!!!

Measure and soak almonds

You will be using about 3 cups of water for every 1 cup of raw almonds out of the shell. Soak overnight in enough water to cover with a little water more, to provide room for swelling. Another easier way to measure if you want to make 2 quarts or 2 liters at a time, is that 1 lb (or roughly a half kilo) of raw almonds out of the shell, makes a half gallon or 2 quarts or roughly 2 liters of creamy, rich almond milk when sufficient water is added after squeezing, to equal that volume. You can of course halve the water to make an almond cream suitable as coffee creamer, nog base, cream pies, or other uses where milk may be too thin.

Puree in blender or food processor

A quick whir in a powerful blender results in a thick, frothy almond puree, ready to be squeezed in a mesh bag or jelly bag, cheesecloth, or something similar. Simply place your cheesecloth or mesh strainer bag over the bowl, pour and scoop your puree into it, draw it closed, and start squeezing until the almond meal is as dry as you can get it. Don't add any more water at this point.

The harder you squeeze, the more creamy and nutritious your milk will be, but not to worry, any you don't get into the milk will still be eaten in the form of the almond meal, so there is nothing wasted. I use a fine plastic mesh drawstring bag that doubles as a shopping bag for small loose items like garlic or peppers.

Fine-strain for perfectly creamy results

I then pour the undiluted almond milk (that I just strained through the bag into a bowl) through a reusable gold metal mesh coffee cone filter. When it slows, gentle stirring makes filtering go faster. At the end, I press the bit of almond paste in the bottom to extract the last and creamiest bit. This finer, white almond meal is good to keep and dry separately and use as almond flour.

Add water to equal your total volume

I make this easier by straining it the second time directly into my glass half-gallon refrigerator pitcher, and then adding more water to fill the pitcher, but if you are making an amount different from a half gallon, proceed accordingly to get an end result of 3 cups of water for every cup of almond. You may thin it to taste by adding water, but better too rich than too thin, because too rich can be solved by adding water, but too thin is too bad.

Let "bloom" 24 hours in the fridge, add a bit of salt etc

Let it sit covered in the refrigerator pitcher for 24 hours. You will notice a creamy layer floats on top, but with a few gentle shaking sessions and a day or so in the refrigerator, it will blend nicely and taste superbly creamy. Once that has happened, add sweetener if you choose, and salt a pinch at a time, shaking in between and tasting, until the flavor goes from a little "flat" with no salt, to "better than any milk I ever tasted" (perfect). If not sure, hold back on another pinch of salt because one pinch too many ruins it. If you accidentally do add that one extra pinch past perfect taste, add more sweetener and it will no longer taste salty. Some add vanilla, others add almond extract or other flavors. You can even add dutched cocoa for a creamy sensation.

See how this clings to the glass like the freshest dairy milk? Commercial preparations use thickeners such as guar gum to achieve something similar but their results are inferior. It's hard not to drink it all up the first day, but it's even better the second. Keeps about a week in the refrigerator, but don't leave it out on the counter unless you want to experiment with raw almond yogurt or kefir.

Now you can enjoy lowcarb (depending on type and amount of sweetener if any) delicious vegan milk useful in vegan nogs, cream soups, mac-n-cheese, cream pies, alfredo, and so forth, whilst saving money over wasteful inferior pasteurized storebought concoctions, and keep your almond meal for the same price!

As for the almond meal, that may be another Instructable, but briefly, you spread it out on a half-sheet in a 300 degree F oven stirring a few times here and there until toasty and dry. Store in a jar, use as breadcrumbs, crumb crusts, breading, stuffing, cookies, cakes, and bars, or make into low glycemic granola.

Day 21 - Time is passing quickly

Today is the sixth day of eating wheat. It is going by very quickly.

I fasted this morning -- trying to give my body a good opportunity to get rid of yesterday's food and some other special reasons. It was a wonderful morning.

I fed the boys the granola stuff I made as cereal along with a little raisin bran. One really liked it and the other one ate it but needed a bit of regular cereal after. lol

I finished up some carrot juice for lunch - didn't really feel like eating. If it takes my body this long to get to a norm after eating crappily, I can only imagine how the body really feels when we just over-inundate it over and over and over. I've done that all my life. Sad.

I had a small bowl of the granola stuff with some almond milk. I made some today and it was so easy. I don't know why in my mind I make everything so hard -- guess it's the unknown. I finally had some green smoothie in the evening. I'm just not feeling like eating. This is weird but I feel really good about it.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 20 - Two steps back

And what did today bring? Lots of not doing the things I was supposed to!!!! And the result, we both were ornery and sluggish. Interesting. Can I blame all my orneriness onto food? This may have more truth to it than we really realize.

Did have green smoothie for breakfast. That was good. Lunch became eating more and more and not of the good stuff. One good thing though, is at the end of the day, I needed to at least have some wheat and this thought of granola just kept coming to mind. I dumped the rest of the wheat sprouts into the blender and added the rest of the coconut milk. I whizzed it a bit and then put it into a bowl and added oatmeal, honey, raisins, a bit of cinnamon, coconut, and almond pieces. I then remembered some stuff I had in the cupboard -- a dry mix of buckwheat, pumpkin and sunflower seeds and some other stuff (pretty good stuff actually) but there was just a little left. I added it and by that time, it was stiff enough to put in a dish. Put it in the fridge for an hour and then ate some. Pretty good for just putting into it whatever came to mind.
It felt good to be eating something that felt like it was a staple.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dr. Pepper is food?

I know I'm on a different road here than most of the world but really......!

Went shopping at local grocery store. I was asked if I'd like a bottle of Dr. Pepper which was on special. I said, "No thank you." I was then asked if I would like to donate "it" to the local "FOOD" bank. I politely said, "Not pop". Am I missing something here????

Food: nutriment in solid form

Nutriment: something that nourishes or promotes growth, provides energy, repairs body tissues, and maintains life.

Diastic malt

Diastatic malt has long been a secret of professional bread makers in Europe. It is made from sprouted grains that have been dried and ground. In bread recipes, it replaces the sugar or honey needed to feed the yeast and brown the crust. Because diastatic malt is full of enzymes and vitamins, it increases the nutritional value of the bread. In addition, the action of the enzymes on the yeast and flour improves both the flavor and appearance of the bread; it creates a finer texture and helps the bread stay fresh.

Diastatic malt can be made at home using wheat berries, purchased from a health food store, and your food dehydrator. When using it in bread recipes, remember that it is very potent and only a small amount is needed.

Don't forget that your dehydrator makes a wonderful place to raise your bread.

The method: Place one cup of wheat berries in a wide-mouth glass jar and add 4 cups tepid water. Cover with a piece of nylon net; secure with a rubber band. Let soak about 12 hours. Drain off water (save for soup stock or use to water your plants - it’s full of minerals). Rinse well with tepid water, and drain completely. Repeat rinsing process 3 times a day for 2 days or until the little shoots are about the same length as the grains.

Rinse and drain once again. Place on teflon sheets and allow to dry at medium heat in your dryer. Grind dried sprouts to a fine flour in an electric grinder or blender. This will yield about 1 cup of diastatic malt. Store in a tightly closed glass jar in the refrigerator or freezer. It will keep indefinitely.

Day 19 - Feeling yuk after eating yuk

As I pondered yesterday, I thought about how much cooking I'm doing. I know I'm doing kind of okay because we are eating healthier way more than ever before and way more consistently. But I need to zero in on raw again a bit. And then again, maybe winter should be more eating warmer foods than in the spring and summer. That is the season for fruits and veges. Ah - this might be justification! lol

I decided to try some coconut milk. Cooked a batch of oatmeal cereal for everyone for breakfast. Perfect time to try out that milk. I can do this. It was good and fun.

I put the sugar container on the table, thinking everyone (specifically my partner in all this) would do just a "touch"; but boy, I came to a standstill as I watched. I realized that even here I've progressed in my self control because I did not say a word. But later, when the time was right, I suggested he put a little in his spoon and then sprinkle it on his cereal and told him I didn't think he had any idea just how much he'd put on it and said it was at least one tablespoon and probably more. He just smiled at me in his "I know" look.

When I was doing a presentation on wheat, I made diastatic malt. You sprout the wheat, dry it, grind it and it's diastatic malt and it is EXTREMELY sweet - in fact, almost too sweet. However, it does go to show how much "sweet" is in sprouts. We do not need any added sweetener but some things just need a "touch".

We had sauteed mushrooms for lunch and we were both bloated and upset about an hour later. Funny. So hard to let go of the good memories of what you liked. It was a good lesson.

Pizza was ordered by the others in our house. We had a large glass of green smoothie and were going to have just a skinny slice. Neither one of us could even stand the thought of eating it. We are still very much feeling the results of the lunch. Amazing!!!! Again I'm proud of us for recognizing that and resisting. We very well could have eaten it anyway. We ARE progressing!!!

Update: Later in the evening I was at that point of "what can I eat" -- it's that time of night when before it was eat everything and never finding what you wanted. I realized I hadn't eaten wheat all day. Went and got some sprouts, added some coconut milk and half a banana and what a difference in the munchy cravings. I've always thought this was happening but tonight it is very evident that it does!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Garlic and onions

My growing up years did not have garlic and onions in them so this is kind of foreign to me. Through the years, my husband has acquainted me with them a bit and we do use onions quite a bit. Of course, at first, I had to think I didn't like them and then see that I did. It's kind of been the same now with garlic. The Authentic Italian Red Sauce was my beginning with the garlic. I can't believe I've missed out on this for most of my life. Since I've been doing the herb thing, our house smells like garlic and onions a lot ---- AND, DO YOU KNOW HOW GOOD THEY ARE FOR YOU!!!!! They are so power packed with medicinal qualities.

This is just sooooooooo fun!!!!

Authentic Italian Red Sauce

3-4 TBLSP extra virgin olive oil
4-8 fresh garlic cloves **NOT garlic powder**
1 (29 oz) can of tomatoes (you can add another 14 oz can if you desire a milder sauce)
1/4 cup tomato paste
1/4 cup fresh basil, or as much fresh basil you desire **NOT dried basil**
1 tsp Better Than Boullion, beef flavor OR 1 beef bouillon cube
Mild cayenne pepper to taste **OPTIONAL** Not too much and not if kids are eating it. You can always add it to your own plate.

The secret to making it perfectly is to use the correct ingredients and, more importantly, you have to make it with love. Don't ever cook this when you're angry; it doesn't turn out right.

Blend up the tomatoes from the can so they are a fairly smooth consistency. Mince garlic with mincer and put in sauce pan with olive oil. don't be shy with the garlic. I use about 8 medium cloves. You'll think it's too much, but it's not. It really gives the sauce that kick. Turn on heat just until the garlic starts to really sizzle. Do not overcook the garlic. Do not let it turn color. It will loose its flavor and turn bitter. Add tomatoes to garlic and olive oil. Bring to a simmer. Add tomatoe paste, bouillon, fresh basil and cayenne pepper. Bring to a simmer. Let cook a minute or two. Enjoy!!!! This does not need to cook a long time. It will actually loose its pungent flavor if you do. This sauce will store for a long time sealed properly and kept in the refrigerator.

The sauce is very good on many things: zucchini and onions sauteed in clarified butter and sea salt; thinly sliced cabbage (to resemble fettuccine) lightly steamed; spaghetti squash; baked potato; onion, carrots and yellow squash sauteed; buttered brown rice with cayenne on top, sauteed chicken or beef strips; for just a few

Day 18 - Dinner just for me? No one else liked it.

Had wheat sprouts cooked a bit in a double boiler. I tasted them and I just couldn't identify what they reminded me of. Finally a few hours later when I tasted them again (they were a bit dryer and a little harder), I figured it out. They tasted just like pine nuts. It was awesome. That has some possibilities and if none other, to have a unique taste for breakfast.

We had a vege sandwich for lunch.

Dinner was a red sauce recipe given to me by my daughter-in-law. She went to Italy on her mission and they truly make it from scratch and there is very little cooking. I love it. I cooked a spaghetti squash and cabbage. I had both, along with some wheat sprouts, under my sauce.
This was NOT a big hit for the rest of the family -- in fact it wasn't even a little hit. I went to feel guilty and then had the thought that I should be entitled to a favorite once a year, I think? Or, why not even twice a year. lol

And so, one more day completed.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 17 - It's amazing that so little food is so satisying

This always happens when one doesn't prepare!!! When one isn't home, one has a hard time when they get home and it's time for -- dinner!!!!

We had a salad and I forgot to put the wheat sprouts on it. I had one small strip of grilled chicken with it. We also had the plantain - cut in circles and browned/cooked in a little oil. I had about four of those. After dinner I made the green smoothie and put the wheat sprouts in it and had some. Too funny -- it's not the best green smoothie I've made and it's not because of the wheat sprouts. You win some, you come in fourth with some; this one is probably sixth (too much ginger and too many apples because they are too pulpee), but it wasn't the worst one I've ever made. lol

I did eat wheat sprouts this morning with some bran flakes and raisins. I added a bit of honey. Lunch was late so just grabbed an apple.

It really is amazing to just go and go and eat so little and be full and satisfied.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 16 - Let the eating wheat everyday begin

Just learned that ninety percent (90%) of all disease starts in the colon. So I did some testing and we are not clean!!! The cleanse was just the beginning of what will probably be a several month process. I knew it wouldn't be instant but again I think I was in denial. For this, we are using Dr. Christopher's Formulas. They work! We can vouch for that by experience. There are surely some wonderful stories of people who have been to doctor after doctor for years and the healing results they've had using herbs.

I love the Lord's creations with a much greater vision than I've ever had before and now understand what the world does with God's creations. Many drugs are made from a plant- a part that has been isolated and then they sometimes even synthesize it. So sad!!!

We had sprouted wheat with 3 T of yogurt for breakfast. (Now we aren't supposed to be using dairy products but I had no time and this had to do - I know everyone can relate! lol) I had a green smoothie for lunch.

I fixed baked salmon and with that we had kind of a stir fry but I steamed the celery and broccoli and then added 1/2 of the bean sprouts. I then used about 1 T of butter and stir fried the other half of the bean sprouts and then put everything together and also added cooked wheat berries (wheat that has been boiled). Ya know -- it wasn't half bad. It all got eaten which surprised me.

Now I know I still have a long ways to go to get this down but I'm so pleased that today I ate wheat twice. I'm very blessed!!!! Answers to prayers are real!!!!!!!!!!

I did do some weight lifting this morning and will do the comparison after 10 days.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 15 - Detoxing? I think so.

My husband is being so supportive!! It's awesome. I'm very pleased with my overcoming me. There have been rice crispy treats on the cupboard and I was only tempted a couple of times but the temptation was easily overcome. This is very exciting to me.

We had cream of wheat cereal for breakfast. It was warm, tasty and filling. What a way to begin a day! I remembered that I wanted to do the 10 days of eating wheat everyday and decided I need to start tomorrow.

My general vitality has always been lower than my husband's so I've known I was worse off than he was -- yet he has all the worldly signs and on all the meds (heart trouble, high cholesterol and triglycerides and high blood pressure). He was who I was talking about the denial part. Yet, today I've realized I am really in denial. I'm worse off inside than he is. His turn around time of elimination after fasting was 36 hours and mine was 48. I must be detoxing off and on because I'm just off and on - quite interesting.

Just realized -- I wrote the above before I ran errands and as I was driving home, I was thinking about this day so far - not much energy, spacey, tired...... - and I remembered reading that detox happens in 7's - 7 days, 7 weeks, 7 months, 7 years. I then counted and today is day 7. I really AM detoxing!! I can now let go of wondering what is happening and enjoy the day as it is. It's kind of neat when you can zero into what your body feels and then recognize what is happening.

We had leftover potatoes (cut in really small cubes and browned) and black beans with salsa on them. Not much originality there!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 14 - Waited too long to decide what to fix for dinner

Had green smoothies for breakfast and for lunch had 1/4 of a yellow, orange and red bell pepper.

Waited too long to really prepare something for dinner. Fed the rest of the family spaghetti and salad and we just had the salad and half a steamed sweet potato. We were both full and quite content.

While grocery shopping I saw those larger green bananas so I checked them out wondering why they were different. They were plantains. Now this really got my attention because in the herb class, that is a really good herb. So I did some research, of course on the internet and what a wonderful tool right at our fingertips, and learned a lot. We'll be having it for dinner one of these nights so everyone can taste it.

These two little boys keep me on track. They are constantly asking me if this food is healthy. One day a few weeks ago, one asked me why I didn't eat with them sometimes - was it because I was fasting or because it was unhealthy. I told him sometimes it was both reasons. He then said, "If it's because it's unhealthy, why do you feed it to us." Well, out of the mouths of babes... what else can I say - then or now. I was humbled, and still am as they ask questions in their desire to learn of eating God's created foods.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 13 - A day of roll with the flow

I got up knowing I should begin eating. I juiced carrots and we drank it most of the day. While coming home from Church, I was pleading to know what I could cook for dinner to feed our guests and that my husband could also eat (I had every plan to only do the carrot juice the whole day). This idea came to mind and when I told him, he was soooo excited and said it really sounded good.

We fed our guests little steaks along with what we got to eat which were red potatoes cut in cubes and steamed with onions and garlic. We also had steamed carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. It was a hit with everyone. I chose to eat a little and it WAS yummy. I made some clarified butter and we put a little on our potatoes.

It was a good day. I'm very thankful for inspiration!!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 12 - Pretty uneventful

Since I had about 1 3/4 cup of prune juice left, I decided to do the same thing this morning and then drink apple juice until noon. Things did not happen like they've happened the other 3 days. I have to admit I was surprised and I think I'm thinking someone knew what they were talking about. I began the water fast at noon; husband has done it all day.

We talked about this cleanse versus the The Master Cleanse. We both prefer The Master Cleanse. To drink lemonade was just so much easier. I did find my tongue is still coated and am wondering if after water fasting it will clear.

I'm glad we are where we are. It seems we are deciding what to do as we go - and that is good. I'm thinking he'll be eating before me but that's okay.

He lost some weight while working a few months this past summer driving around taking pictures. He shared that he would eat veges while driving around - just snacking on them kind of all day long. He commented today that maybe that was the reason he lost the weight. I was worried about him being able to eat raw but I think he already knows how. This is getting even more exciting.

I have to feed company tomorrow - already signed up before I knew we were doing this. That ole cookin' just gets in the way!!! lol

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 11 - The last day of eating only juice

I got up and could face the juices. And I felt good! One of the side benefits is, of course, a bit of weight is lost and I got on the scales this morning and it was 3 1/2 pounds. That didn't excite me as much as usual and my thoughts keep going to what's happening on the inside of my body. I read how many feet the bowels were once and I remember being astounded so I again looked it up --- small intestines are approximately 23 feet long and the colon is about 5 feet long. I can't imagine -- but that's a long ways to travel! No wonder we get plugged and need a good cleaning once in awhile and then must be vigilant to try and not put stuff in there that would build a dam. What a visual!!!

We just didn't drink as much today. Life got in the way. Looking forward to tomorrow -- just water -- and I hope I can remember to do it often.

I asked my husband tonight if he wanted apple juice for supper. We had a good laugh.
I think I'm starting to get a little hungry. Previously to tonight, I've not even had an inkling.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 10 - A myriad of no energy and energy - a roller coaster....

Was a pretty rough morning. I had dropsy and just kept lying down and thinking I could sleep a little but life didn't allow that, of course. However, when up and doing, it was sloooow. Then about noon I had this burst of energy. Amazing! And then I got sluggish again a few hours later. I've had more gurgling noises in the bowels than I've had in years. It is quite fun to listen and to feel. And, the prune juice did do things a bit differently than the grape juice, of course. lol We only drank 3/4 gallon of apple juice between the two of us. It got to the point that I couldn't even stand the thought of it and in the evening only drank water.

I just keep thinking of the good things that are happening in the body and my desire to keep these things happening when this is over.

Denial again came up. It was said that it goes through so fast, the bowels are working just fine. I again reminded us of the health problems manifesting themselves (blocked arteries, high cholesterol and triglycerides, high blood pressure, low kidney function) and many people have had these things reversed when they've made specific changes in their eating.

Just a quick note about all the juice we're drinking ----- "If nothing were done to replace in the body something in volume equal to the quantity of matter so eliminated, then the body would naturally be dehydrated to that extent. Therefore, we replace the toxic or acid material so removed by drinking fruit juices." "Herbal Home Health Care", by Dr. John R. Christopher.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 9 - The beginning is here

Today we began our cleanse!!!! I am sooooo glad it is finally here!!!! Boy, when I looked at the juice I was wondering if I'd be able to do this. But so far so good. And, it didn't affect me nor my husband as badly as we thought it might. We're doing this cleanse.

Isn't it funny -- the day one begins, a meal needs to be taken to someone. My husband said, "This is not fair!" I said: "Life isn't fair!" Of course it's one of his favorite meals (and mine) and the smell in the house is absolutely scrumptious.

I don't know where I'd put a meal anyway. I've drunk 8 ounces of something every half hour and am I'm so full!

We're doing apple juice for the main juice. It really tasted good. Wonder if it'll still taste good on the third day. lol One of the kids had some and he said, "Have I had this before?" He was liking it! Now that is sad. We eat apples and they're in our smoothies or in our juicing -- but we've never just done apples alone. He very much enjoyed our "cleanse" food! lol

We've had headaches, joint aches, thought I had something going on in the appendix area, eye sight is fluctuating, skin is very dry, tired........ just to name a few. And it's only day one.

Oh NO!!!! I just realized and went and checked and I bought grape juice - not prune juice. Gotta run to the store. I'm so ditzy sometimes. Obviously something is still happening because of the aches and pains and no wonder we didn't react as we thought we might. Tomorrow is another day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 8 - A pretty blah day in the eating department

We didn't eat breakfast. Just not hungry. Had a vege sandwich for lunch. Had elk steaks and fried potatoes. What a way to begin our cleanse! NOT!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 7 - When you eat whole foods, you can sustain yourself on 1/3 of what you normally eat

Decided to have wheat sprouts for breakfast. Wondered how they'd be pureed. So I did and poured it in a bowl. It was like milk. So I added more sprouts and some blueberries and waa laa - breakfast. Now I know if I want a bit of milky liquid - liquify sprouts. Interesting learning.

We had the opportunity to eat out and I just didn't even want to. Driving by one of our old favorite places to eat, I thought about what I felt like every time I ate there. I'm proud of us for resisting. I soooooo want the health that is available to me if I will eat the whole foods.

Interesting that when one eats whole foods, we can sustain ourselves at four to five times increase in more power, energy, vitality and life on about one-third the quantity of our current food. We are eating less already.

I feel like I've been at the left swing of a pendulum and have progressed and come to what I thought was the middle. It wasn't quite right there so I'm now at the right swing of this large pendulum. I think I have to be here to learn.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 6 - My thinking is spent and Day 7 - A day of fasting

Other than using some sprouts, if any, however I can for the rest of the meals today, I'm not going to be doing much thinking about all of this. I'm very thankful for the ideas which have come. I even had a couple thoughts about using spices but nothing in particular. I do know it is coming. I'm going to enjoy a day playing and just rolling with the flow -- or maybe even rolling in the snow. Tomorrow is fast Sunday and I'm looking forward to resting from my labors and enjoying a day of inspiration.

Cream of wheat cereal complete

New recipe for almost instant (except it has to be cooked about 5 minutes) cream of wheat cereal (and a bit of added protein).

My cream of wheat cereal mix - kept in freezer and is just add water and cook.

CREAM OF WHEAT CEREAL MIX – complete with salt, sugar and milk
1/4 c ground cereal wheat
2 t powdered milk
2 t sugar or your choice of sweetener
1/2 T white bean flour
1/8 t salt

1 cup water
¼ c cereal mix

Bring water to boil. Wisk cereal mix into water. Turn down heat and cook about 5 minutes, until cereal has thickened to consistency you desire. If it is too thick, just add a little water.

Guess it wouldn't be considered "whole" now but it surely is good and fills the body and warms the soul and is just add water, which is a big factor in ease for me.


And why do I use asparagus in my smoothies? I do it because my family (and maybe me, too) would not eat it otherwise. I remember as a child being sent to walk the fence line and pick asparagus and then at night I would dream about walking the fence line picking asparagus. I didn't like it. However -- this is an article I got some time ago. I'm using asparagus (in smoothies) - just because! And I can see I probably need to "offer" it to my family in it's unblended state - just because.

Asparagus and Cancer:

"My Mom had been taking the full-stalk canned style asparagus that she pureed and she took 4 to 20 tablespoons in the morning and 4 tablespoons later in the day. She did this for over a month.. She is on chemo pills for Stage 3 lung cancer in the pleural area and her cancer cell count went from 386 down to 125 as of this past week. Her oncologist said she does not need to see him for 3 months."

Several years ago, I had a man seeking asparagus for a friend who had cancer.He gave me a photocopied copy of an article, entitled, `Asparagus for Cancer' printed in Cancer News Journal.

I will share it here, just as it was shared with me:'I am a biochemist, and have specialized in the relation of diet to health for over 50 years. Several years ago, I learned of the discovery of Richard R. Vensal, D.D.S. that asparagus might cure cancer.

Since then, I have worked with him on his project. We have accumulated a number of favorable case histories.

Here are a few examples:

Case No. 1, A man with an almost hopeless case of Hodgkin's disease (cancer of the lymph glands) who was completely incapacitated. Within 1 year of starting the asparagus therapy, his doctors were unable to detect any signs of cancer, and he was back on a schedule of strenuous exercise.

Case No. 2, a successful businessman 68 years old who suffered from cancer of the bladder for 16 years. After years of medical treatments, including radiation without improvement, he went on asparagus. Within 3 months, examinations revealed that his bladder tumor had disappeared and that his kidneys were normal.

Case No. 3, a man who had lung cancer. On March 5th , he was put on the operating table where they found lung cancer so widely sprea d that it was inoperable. The surgeon sewed him up and declared his case hopeless. On April 5th he heard about the asparagus therapy and immediatel y started taking it. By August, x-ray pictures revealed that all signs of the cancer had disappeared. He is back at his regular business routine.

Case No. 4, a woman who was troubled for a number of years with skin cancer. She finally developed different skin cancers which were diagnosed by asking specialist as advanced.... Within 3 months after starting on asparagus, her skin specialist said that her skin looked fine and no more skin lesions. This woman reported that the asparagus therapy also cure her kidney disease, which started in 1949. She had over 10 operations for kidney stones, and was receiving government disability payments for an inoperable, terminal, kidney condition. She attributes the cure of this kidney trouble entirely to the asparagus.

I was not surprised at this result, as `The elements of materia medica', edited in 1854 by a Professor at the
University of Pennsylvania
, stated that asparagus was used as a popular remedy for kidney stones. He even referred to experiments, in 1739, on the power of asparagus in dissolving stones.

We would have other case histories but the medical establishment has interfered with our obtaining some of the records. I am therefore appealing to readers to spread this good news and help us to gather a large number of case histories that will overwhelm t he medical skeptics about this unbelievably simple and natural remedy.

For the treatment,asparagus should be cooked before using, and therefore canned asparagus is just as good as fresh. I have corresponded with the two leading canners of asparagus, Giant and Stokely, and I am satisfied that these brands contain no pesticides or preservatives.

Place the cooked asparagus in a blender and liquefy to make a puree, and store in the refrigerator. Give the patient 4 full tablespoons twice daily, morning and evening.

Patients usually show some improvement in from 2-4 weeks. It can be diluted with water and used as a cold or hot drink. This suggested dosage is based on present experience, but certainly larger amounts can do no harm and may be needed in some cases.

As a biochemist I am convinced o f the old saying that `what cures can prevent'. Based on this theory, my wife and I have been using asparagus puree as a beverage with our meals.

We take 2 tablespoons diluted in water to suit our taste with breakfast and with dinner. I take mine hot and my wife prefers hers cold. For years we have made it a practice to have blood surveys taken as part of our regular checkups.

The last blood survey, taken by a medical doctor who specializes in the nutritional approach to health, showed substantial improvements in all categories over the last one, and we can attribute these improvements to nothing but the asparagus drink...

As a biochemist, I have made an extensive study of all aspects of cancer, and all of the proposed cures. As a result, I am convinced that asparagus fits in better with the latest theories about cancer. Asparagus contains a good supply of protein called histones, which are believed to be active in controlling cell growth. For that reason, I believe asparagus can be said to contain a substance that I call cell growth normalizer. That accounts for its action on cancer and in acting as a general body tonic.

In any event, regardless of theory, asparagus used as we suggest, is a harmless substance. The FDA cannot prevent you from using it and it may do you much good..

It has been reported by the US National Cancer Institute, that asparagus is the highest tested food containing glutathione, which is considered one of the body's most potent anticarcinogens and antioxidants.

I saved the day - well, the orange sorbet anyway

I made this orange sorbet last night thinking it would be a wonderful treat.
2 oranges, peeled
2 T sugar or other sweetener, to taste - I used agave [a (a) gav (gah) ve (long e) - it uses much less than sugar and I've now seen it at Costco and Walmart.]
4 cups ice cubes

I made the mistake of adding the ice cubes before blending the oranges and so it didn't get as pureed as we'd have liked it before it got too thick from the cold. So -- lots left over. Gotta try this, though, with liquifying the oranges before adding the ice and maybe even juicing them.

I had wheat sprouts with orange sorbet for breakfast. It will not be a favorite but definitely edible. I also cooked the sprouts a bit -- too long as they became a bit too mushy, as was the comment from my companion in all of this and to be frankly honest, this comment surprised me. I found I liked having the outside a bit softer but it was a bit too soft. Was is worth the effort to cook -- probably not. But I may experiment more.

I then made a smoothie for snack: Kale (1 lg leaf), asparagus (1/2 can), 2 1/2 bananas, and all of left-over orange drink and 3/4 c water. It was okay for me but for anyone else to drink it, I felt it needed just a little more sweetener so added 1 t of agave but it could have done well with just 1/2 t.

Thumbs up means I did okay!

I hate wasting food!!!! Anytime I can "save the food", I've had a good day. To me, it's just like taking a $5 bill and letting it go down the garbage disposal. I've talked about this before, but green smoothies are a wonderful place to "disguise" lots of things!!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 5 -- An idea

Wheat sprouts were ready. For lunch I fixed a bowl of sprouts (1/2 cup), 1/4 cup applesauce (unfortunately it was sweetened but home canned), 5 raisins, 1 tsp coconut and 6 small pieces of pecan. When I served it, I asked my companion in all of this if he really felt he could eat like this after our cleanse because this is how it would pretty much look. And .... I got a look. I didn't ask what it meant but "we" ate all of it and it was actually pretty good. Simple it was!!!

We then had half of an avocado, tomato and lettuce sandwich with balsamic vinegar. I really liked that.

Soooo --- the idea could expand to those sprouts being mixed with strawberries, raspberries, (any variety of fruit - dried, fresh or frozen) or puree of any fruit and throw in something to add just a little variety. I think I need to add just a bit of coconut oil to it, or ground flax seed or some chia seeds -- for a good fat. Oh -- what about some molasses with homemade ginger snaps broken up in it for crunch or honey and some homemade granola. (Oh!!! Another idea -- make note to self -- make granola out of sprouts.)

It'll be interesting when I really get going to see how the little ones will warm up to this.

You can see -- it's not going to be anything fancy!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 4 - It's always darkest just before the light

This always happens to me! I get a bit discouraged -- not nearly as badly as I used to (there are advantages to all the practice one gets throughout life and finally get it mastered a bit and the wisdom of age appears teehee) -- now let see -- where was I -- oh yes -- get discouraged -- but I've gotten now so when that happens I immediately turn to prayer and give it to the Lord and again plead for the desires of my heart and thank Him for this opportunity to learn and in my heart, I know it'll all happen according to His way and time. I guess you could say it's going to my faith place. And then I can let it go and it seems the very next day there is light.

I'm really excited for next week. I think I've been trying to make it be like the "plates" of dinner of the world and it is not going to be like that -- but yet it can be pretty and colorful. Things are going to be quite simple. In family prayer this morning it was asked that we could all be supportive as Grandma is learning these new things and we could try and eat everything. We shall see! But I am getting little glimpses and even though most people will still turn up their nose, it's going to be good for us.

Neat thing I learned ----- when one eats whole foods they can sustain life eating only 1/3 as much as they used to. I so have found this to be true and explains when I've eaten the wheat cereals and dishes, I don't eat as much and I'm not hungry as soon as usual. So -- less food to prepare because we will be eating less but getting more for the bang.

Went grocery shopping today -- bought the little boys jump ropes and what fun we've had today. So exercise has been good and I even did a bit of leg work earlier so I'm good for the day. While at the grocery store, while waiting of course at the checkout --- a magazine caught my eye. "The carbs that melt fat - drop 24 lbs in 21 days" was printed on the cover. Well, I just "needed" to know what carbs they were talking about. And.... when I got to the article, this is what I saw: "Enjoy Grains First Thing". Of course, there is more to their plan and they haven't yet figured out that wheat is the powerhouse the Lord created for man, but...... it's been a long time since I've seen such a fun thing. Of course, it's been a long time since I've been browsing magazines, too.

It's a good feeling to have a glimpse!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 3 -- It's slooooooooow

Every time it's time to make a meal, I have these thoughts ---- "What can I do? What will I do?" Of course, that's typical of my whole life usually when preparing dinner (lol), but this seems it's got to be way different than what we've been doing. I'm a bit discouraged, wondering if I'll even be able to do this. Let's see -- no dairy, no eggs, no cooked foods unless under 130 degrees, and grains, seeds, nuts, fruits and veges. The thinking is truly in the forefront while I prepare meals of the same stuff that we've always eaten while wondering how I could do it differently. When no ideas come, it's a bit overwhelming. I decided I'm going to have to stay on top of sprouting or we won't have anything to eat. Thank goodness we are already doing green smoothies and juicing. That's a BIG plus!!

Did you know if you cook a grain less than 130 degrees, you should be able to plant it and it will grow. That's what is meant by whole foods -- if it'll grow after you cook it, it's still a whole food. That's quite a challenge. I think I need to get some books out and start collecting recipes that I think would be do-able for us. I have enough books -- that's for sure! Guess now's the time to really use them!

Did get some jump roping in this evening. I used to be soooo good at this when I was young. Maybe with enough practice, it'll come back!! Guess time will tell ---- in ALL things!!

Sugar is always a surprise!

Take a look at the nutrition label on the side or on the back of your packaged food item. Locate the listing for sugar on the label. Say, for example, you are looking at your favorite candy bar, a known source of more sugar than you probably want to consume. What does it show?

For this example, let say you show 22 grams of sugar. Is that a lot? To find out, divide that number by 4. Twenty-two divided by four equals 5.5. This is the number of teaspoons of sugar you will consume if you eat that candy bar

I can't imagine sitting down and just eating 5.5 teaspoons -- but I've surely done it way too often when eating all the other foods.

I need to memorize this formula and keep it in the forefront. I shouldn't even be considering sugar but I know I will be tempted and so will others. I'll now have a neat analogy to help me remember and help others see the real deal. This is power - power to help resist!!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 2 - Life happens

We are sooooo funny. We (my husband and I) are really apprehensive about this cleanse -- not in doing it but what it may cause. If the bowels are going to be cleaned - that probably says we need to stay home. Life keeps scheduling things --dentist, temple (gotta take advantage of that when the time is right) -- just normal life!!! So -- the plan is now still next week --- but in the middle of the week instead of good ole Monday. Why am I even mentioning this -- it's only a 2-day delay? I guess to me it seems like a greater delay because if I'd have been doing this alone, I'd be doing it now! tee hee

I know I did some little thing for exercise but can't remember what it was -- very impressive to the body, too, I'm sure.

The eating went rather well, meaning good self-control. Had to take "healthy" treats to Kindergarten and used the "Cookies For Dinner" with fruit on top and of course, I ate some of the extras. The body does feels good after eating it though. (At the site, the book is under products.)

And the meal planning or what we are going to be eating after the cleanse thing --- surely occupies the thoughts but nothing yet.

A really neat thing, though, is my husband is even watching what he eats and when -- and I know he's feeling what his body does with certain foods. Fun to watch.

All happens when it should and maybe the things we are learning today and tomorrow and the next day are needed before we really begin. One of those things is to identify "denial". It is soooo hard to admit one has a dysfunctioning colon and constipation when one is having more than one bowel movement a day. But it's been said, the most common cause of illness is constipation and that word has a much different meaning to the world than to those who teach about good health. Denial is indeed present in our house - even though blood pressure is high, acid reflux is going on, the nose is always having to be blown, and let see, what else is there.........? lol

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 1 - In the forefront

It so helps to have thoughts and desires in the forefront of one's mind. Today, I said "no" to things that were calling me to eat them. Today, I breathed deeper and a more concerted effort to breathe correctly. I sat and walked with a straighter body. I shoveled snow for exercise and did crunches.

I wanted to make a plan - kind of a menu - of ideas to eat. I did purchase a new e-book I thought would be beneficial and it did have some good ideas in it when I feed my family, but it's not where I want to be right now. But the plan did not come to fruition today.

I got up very early and got the important reading for the day done and also fasted. I know I mentioned before that fasting brings forth the blessings of heaven and I've known this would be a part of obtaining the answers I'm seeking. It is good.

When I did eat, I had a wonderful salad. I had to make a frosting for treats for school and found out it was very hard not to taste and lick fingers after being done. I must do this a lot. It was just totally natural. Gotta watch that I guess.

And so the day didn't pan out quite how desired but there is tomorrow. And that is soooo life!! But, a plan I will put together with ideas of things to eat so when that time comes - after the cleanse next week - that part will be ready and I won't be wondering what to fix. I've got to do this now because if I don't, I'm setting myself up for failure - been there, done that, too many times.
